
Josué Reynoso Vallejo

Josué Reynoso Vallejo

— Background

Dr. Josue Reynoso studied B.S. in Mechatronics Engineering and M.S. in Business of Technological Innovation from Universidad Panamericana in Guadalajara, Mexico. He obtained his doctoral degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Lally School of Management in 2018. His dissertation explores the Influence of Experience on New Opportunity Identification.

Dr. Reynoso is a member of the Academy of Management (AOM), Strategic Management Society (SMS), and Product Development and Management Association (PDMA). He has presented his research work at international conferences organized by these and other societies. In 2017, his research received the Best Student Paper Award at PDMA’s Research Forum in Chicago.

His research focuses primarily on search processes at the individual and business levels that lead to the identification of opportunities created at the intersection of new technologies and markets. Josué Reynoso is also interested on organizational structures for Innovation management at mature companies.

Before pursuing his doctoral studies, Josué Reynoso served as Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering of the Universidad Panamericana in Guadalajara where he oversaw the Computer-Aided Engineering Center His professional experience includes various positions as process and application engineer in the automotive, electronics, aerospace, and metal-mechanic industries.

Dr. Reynoso has taught courses in the areas of Corporate Entrepreneurship, Commercializing Advanced Technologies, Business Strategy, Statistics, Information Management and Mechanical Design.

Published Papers

  • Buendia, F., Reynoso, J., (2013) Market shares are not Zipf-distributed Complex Systems, 22: 221-231.

Work in progress

  • Search Across Dual Landscapes: The impact of knowledge transfer and learning with Shyam Kumar.
  • Organizational Learning in Differentiated Structures: The Characteristics of Radical Innovation Hubs with Gina O’Connor, T. Ravichandran.
  • When does Experience Break the Path? The Influence of Firms’ Market and Technology Trajectories on New Product Strategy with Gina O’Connor y Kenneth Simons.
  • The effect of search on the opportunity elaboration process. A cognitive perspective with Gina O’Connor.
  • Critical Review of Ambidexterity Measures with Gina O’Connor, Sarin Shikhar, and Silke Lennerts.

International Conference Presentations

  • The Influence of Prior Experience on the Opportunity Elaboration Process: A Cognitive Perspective – JPIM Research Forum – Chicago, IL – November 2018.
  • Dual Landscape Search: The Role of Knowledge and Information Transfer – AOM Annual Meeting – Chicago, IL – August 2018.
  • Dual Landscape Search: The Role of Knowledge and Information Transfer – PDMA Research Forum – Chicago, IL - November 2017 (Best Student Paper Award).
  • Opportunity Recognition in Emerging Industries: The Influence of Market and Technology Trajectories on New Product Strategy – PDMA Research Forum – Chicago, IL – November 2017.
  • Organizational Learning in Differentiated Structures: The Characteristics of Radical Innovation Hubs – PDMA Research Forum – Atlanta, GA – October 2016.
  • Product Positioning and Market Learning – INFORMS Annual Meeting – Philadelphia, PA – November 2015.
  • The Characteristics of Radical Innovation Hubs – SMS Annual Meeting – Denver, CO – October 2015.

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